The SMK SAN is an electronic purification system designed by COSDEP developed considering their own previous products and PATENTS that are long established and have been tested over time. This device represents the ideal and irreplaceable solution to purify the air in indoor environments such as CIVIL, WORKING and PUBLIC settings where a lot of people interact. Particularly, the high filtering efficiency electrostatic system is combined with activated carbon filters in the outlet of the purifier and can act directly on the pollutants in suspension by RETAINING: DUST, POLLEN, BACTERIA,VIRUSES, SMOKE, ODORS. This process makes the air PURIFIED and SANITIZED, returning to the environment CLEAN AIR.
1st PHASE: The centrifugal fan aspirates the dirty air that is electronically regulated and conveyed through he inlet grilles.
2nd PHASE: electrostatic filtration. The polluting particles size up to 1 micron are ionized within the electrostatic field of the filter and retained by the negative blades.
The depuration system with activated carbon and UV lamp represents the ideal solution to treat the air in closed environments where are often generated odors and smokes and bacteria and viruses proliferate.
1st PHASE: the air previously treated by the electrostatic filter is now clean. Then, the intern carbon filter eliminates smokes and chemical vapors.
2nd PHASE: The germicidal lamp, without emission of OZONE, reduce the bacteria in the air and the residues previously treated neutralizing and eliminating viruses and bacteria. The continuous action allows to reduce up to 99% of the bacterial load of the environment.
3rd PHASE: Before being returned to the environment the treated air is restored to its ideal electrostatic charge with an ionization system (optional) for an improvement of physical well-being.